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"An Interview with Alice Friman." By Patricia Clark. The Writer's Chronicle, Nov. 2023, pp. 80-87. (Click on title for full interview.)

"Ten Questions for Alice Friman." Interview by Christin Howard. July 12, 2019. The Massachusetts Review

"The Poet on the Poem: Alice Friman." Interview by Diane Lockward. The Crafty Poet II: A Portable Workshop. 2016


Online interview conducted by Olga Rukovets and Tara Tatum. Subtropics. 2016

Interview with Angela Elam. New Letters on the Air radio program. Broadcast 2015

"On The View from Saturn & More: An Interview with Alice Friman" conducted by Gina Abelkopf. The Georgia Review. 2014

"Interview: Alice Friman." Conducted by Jamie Monville. Midwestern Gothic. 2014.


Interview by Mike Wooten on Georgia College radio station WRGC. 2012.


"A Conversation with Alice Friman." Interview by Amy Sayre-Roberts. Quiddity International Literary Journal. 2012.

"Sweet Hell: A Conversation with Alice Friman." Interview by Nathalie Boyd et al. Alabama Literary Review. 2012. 


Interview with John Hoppenthaler. Connotations Press: An Online Artifact. April 1, 2011


“Dorine Jennette Continues the Conversation: Alice Friman.” Interview with Dorine Jennette. The Georgia Review. July 2010


Interview by Kate Lochtee on Murray State University radio station WKMS. 2009


Interviewed by Jim Peterson on Randolf College radio station WWRM, Lynchburg, VA online broadcast March 26, 2009

"Writers at Cornell University"  Recorded Reading and Interview, April 2007

"The Book of the Rotten Daughter - An Interview" by Kate Melles of BkMk Press (see drop down menu under Interviews for entire piece)

"The Most Important Thing in the World: An Interview with Alice Friman" by Karen Joan Kohoutek from Red Weather, Spring 2001 (see drop down menu under Interviews for entire piece)

New Letters on the Air, national radio program. Interview with Angela Elam. Taped Sept. 30, 1997, broadcast 1998.

"A Conversation". Interview with Brooke Horvath. Canto [Kent State-Stark] 5: 57-64. 1992

© 2025 by ALICE FRIMAN, Poet

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